きのうは 「Bitesize見本帖 Bitesize=1」でした。
今回は Bitesize≦2ですから、Bitesize=1 の2倍は伝わるはずですね。
なお、材料はきのうと同じ Mr. Putter & Tabby Make a Wish の
ms.mikanさんによる Bitesize Book Talk です。
Mr. Putter and Tabby MAKE A WISH
1. Good Heavens!
It was a beautiful morning.
Mr. Putter and Tabby enjoyed breakfast.
He was reading the paper.
He looked at the date.
“October 2” said Mr. Putter.
“It’s my birthday!”
Tabby purred.
Mr. Putter thought of all his birthdays.
As a child, he loved birthdays.
A cake with candles.
Birthdays were perfect days.
But now, he was old.
He needs a fire hose to put them out.
Too old for a birthday.
Too old for a cake.
Too old for balloons.
He shared breakfast with Tabby, instead.
They had more jam.
2. Can you wait?
But he wanted more than jam.
“I want one anyway,” said Mr. Putter.
Mr. Putter wanted to get company.
He called Mrs. Teaberry.
He invited her to tea.
“Wonderful!” said Mrs. Teaberry.
“But I have to do the dishes.
Can you wait?”
Mr. Putter said he could wait.
Soon Mrs. Teaberry phoned.
“Can you wait?”
Mr. Putter said he could wait.
Then Mrs. Mrs. Teaberry phoned.
“Can you wait?”
Mr. Putter said he could wait.
After that Mrs. Teaberry phoned.
“Can you wait?”
Mr. Putter said he could wait.
Again Mrs. Teaberry phoned.
“Can you wait?”
Mr. Putter wanted to say, “NO.”
But he was nice.
He said he could wait.
“This is a very strange birthday,”
Mr. Putter said to Tabby.
3. Finally
Mr. Putter thought she would never come.
But finally the doorbell the doorbell rang.
It was an enormous cake with lots of candles.
Zeke had a present and balloons.
“Thanks for your waiting,” said Mrs. Teaberry.
“So I could bake a cake.”
He opened his present.
He blew out all of his candles.
It took five breaths.
And Mrs. Teaberry’s hat helped him.
“Did you make a wish?” asked Mrs. Teaberry.
He didn't.
He had already everything.
They ate cake for days and days.
It was the most wonderful birthday in his long life.
It was worth the wait!
何カ所か3語や4語になってますねえ・・・ 決まり文句や決めのことばは短くできなかった・・・
でもちょっとは bitesize の意味が伝わりましたか。
次回はいよいよ Bitesize≦3 ですね。相当言えるんじゃないかな?